mercoledì 21 luglio 2010


(lo schizzo che Lauren ci ha regalato per il nostro blog!)
(the work that Lauren did for us, we really love it!!!)

Ho conosciuto Lauren Macaulay durante la Graduate fashion week di Londra. eravamo sedute l'una accanto all'altra. per caso il mio sguardo finisce sul suo quaderno. schizzi rapidissimi disegnano esattamente la scena che si svolge di fronte a me. Lauren in pochi istanti "fotografa" con la sua matita la prima fila della sfilata dell'Università Epson. non avevo mai visto una ritrattista all'opera. trovo questo lavoro davvero interessante, così ho cercato di saperne di più...

I met Lauren Macalay during the Graduate Fashion week in London. we were seated next. I look on her notebook by chance. She paints with rapid sketches the scene that we had in front of us. I've never seen an illustrator before. I think that this job is very interesting and fascinating, that's why I decided to understand more...

(some work from graduate collection by Lauren, see more here)

(catwalk sketches, see more here)

about me

I graduated with a first class honors in fashion design this year while specialising in conceptual menswear. drawing plays an important part throughout my work.

your work all about?
interesting stories, i stumble accross stories that conjure up a lot of images or ideas that i have to draw, from skiing postmen to american outlaws.

the most satisfying thing about illustration?                    
you can make it up! unlike a photograph you can capture a mood or atmosphere. while photos are static, illustration can capture life and retain its energy.
the best piece of advice you've ever heard?
turn off the gas before you change a beer barrel...I had a beer shower once which was not pleasant!
the most important thing for an artist to remember?
what drives them, what makes them passionate. it keeps work exciting
the most inspiring thing you've ever seen?
The MET in New York, I spent hours and hours in there- I think its the atmosphere of museums that I like, being surrounded by history and time in large echoing rooms. It's quite calming, I love empty museums where can get lost in your thoughts.
fashion is
art for the body.
love is
taken for granted
I hope 
for world peace, happiness and cake...
(in questa foto Laren Macaulay)
p.s. for Lauren...
it was lovely to meet you...
and many many many thanks for the funny spaghetti picture! ;-)

marianna di tommaso

1 commento:

  1. Hey!
    thats such a wonderful blog, just discovered it by chance. But what a pitty that the last posts are just in italian so I can understand just a few sentences .... :-(
    Have a nice day!
    Greats from LCR Berlin,

